Top 193 Wrestling Team Name Ideas – Funny, Unique And Catchy Wrestling Names

In this post, we have come up with a list of 193 wrestling team name ideas.

We share a lot of funny wrestling team names, but also include some weird, unique, and catchy team names as well.

Funny Wrestling Team Name Ideas

Here is a list of funny wrestling names:

– The Smackdown Squad
– The Body Slam Brigade
– The Suplex Superstars
– The Tag Team Troublemakers
– The Chokeslam Champions
– The Lucha Lunatics
– The Piledriver Professionals
– The Submission Specialists
– The Dropkick Dynamos
– The Ring Rat Racers
– The High Flying Hooligans
– The Turnbuckle Titans
– The Armbar Assassins
– The Gorilla Press Gang
– The Spinebuster Spartans
– The Clothesline Crusaders
– The Figure Four Fanatics
– The Powerbomb Party
– The Elbow Drop Experts
– The moonsault Mavericks
– The German Suplex Gurus
– The Ankle Lock Avengers
– The Top Rope Terrors
– The Camel Clutch Crew
– The Backbreaker Battalion
– The Running Bulldog Raiders
– The Jawbreaker Jokers
– The Torpedo Twist Team
– The Rope Burn Renegades
– The DDT Dominators
– The Flying Headscissors Squad
– The Pumphandle Posse
– The Brainbuster Bandits
– The Senton Splash Squad
– The Drop Toe Hold Heroes
– The Flying Forearm Fighters
– The Atomic Legdrop Army
– The Chop Block Champions
– The Snapmare Squad
– The Belly to Back Bandits
– The Vertical Suplex Veterans
– The Frankensteiner Faction
– The Vertical Suplex Virtuosos
– The Arm Drag Avengers
– The Canadian Destroyer Dynasty
– The Fisherman Suplex Fanatics
– The Asai Moonsault Aces
– The Tiger Driver Trio
– The Springboard Senton Soldiers

Unique Wrestling Name Ideas

Want to find more unique wrestling team names? Check out this list:

– The Hurricane Heavies
– The Cobra Clutch Crew
– The Powerbomb Pioneers
– The Armbar Alliance
– The Flying Elbow Faction
– The Leg Drop Legends
– The Suplex Specialists
– The Spinning Backfist Syndicate
– The Tornado DDT Team
– The Big Boot Brigade
– The Spear Squad
– The Electric Chair Enforcers
– The Leg Lock Lords
– The Neckbreaker Nation
– The Stunner Squad
– The Belly-to-Belly Battalion
– The Back Suplex Bandits
– The Crossface Crew
– The Clothesline Conquerors
– The Shooting Star Squadron
– The Body Slam Bosses
– The Dragon Sleeper Diplomats
– The Headlock Heroes
– The Sit-out Powerbomb Squad
– The Side Suplex Sultans
– The Fireman’s Carry Faction
– The Facebuster Federation
– The Hip Toss Heroes
– The Arm Drag Assassins
– The Flying Dropkick Fighters
– The Brain Chop Bandits
– The Leg Sweep Squad
– The Spinning Heel Kick Kings
– The Torture Rack Titans
– The Jumping Knee Juggernauts
– The Running Splash Renegades
– The Swanton Bomb Squad
– The Scoop Slam Specialists
– The Suicide Dive Squad
– The Tope Con Hilo Team
– The Double Underhook Dazzlers
– The Tilt-a-Whirl Trio
– The Hurricanrana Heroes
– The Blockbuster Brigade
– The Leg Lariat League
– The Flying Shoulderblock Battalion

Weird Wrestling Team Name Ideas

Looking for more weird wrestling name ideas? Take a look at these to get inspiration:

– The Atomic Elbow Assassins
– The Mushroom Stomp Militia
– The Face Paint Frenzy
– The Turnbuckle Tap Out Team
– The Flying Hip Attack Squad
– The Brainbuster Battalion
– The Moonwalk Marvels
– The Underwater Suplex Squad
– The Toe Hold Terrors
– The Spinning Back Fist Squadron
– The Twisted Sister Suplexers
– The Headbanger Brigade
– The Skeletal Slam Squad
– The Metal Mayhem Masters
– The Lariat Luchadors
– The Hairy Heel Hookers
– The Inverted Atomic Drops
– The Electric Leg Drop Squad
– The Underdog Uppercuts
– The Flying Fishermen Fury
– The Brain Chop Brigade
– The Neckbreaker Nation
– The Spiked Piledriver Punishers
– The Sidewalk Slam Squad
– The Scorpion Deathlock Soldiers
– The Frankensteiner Fanatics
– The Flying Morello Brothers
– The Diving Bulldozer Brigade
– The Body Bag Brigade
– The Vortex Venoms
– The Undertaker’s Army
– The Diving Headbutt Heroes
– The Steel Toe Stompers
– The Rope Ring Renegades
– The Hair Pulling Hellions
– The Corkscrew Corkscorers
– The Trash Can Titans
– The Body Bag Boys
– The Giant Belly Busters
– The Glitterbomb Gals
– The Spinning Back Breakers
– The Camel Clutch Crew
– The Power Piledriver Panthers
– The Stretching Spandex Sultans
– The Moonsault Mavericks
– The Belly to Belly Brigade

Catchy Wrestling Team Name Ideas

Do you need to name a wrestling team? Let us inspire you with these creative and catchy wrestling team names:

– The Backstage Brawlers
– The Ring Rage Rebels
– The Mat Maulers
– The Slam Squad
– The Rumble Renegades
– The Grapple Gang
– The Wrestle Warriors
– The Ring Rioters
– The Turnbuckle Titans
– The Cage Crushers
– The Submission Squad
– The Crossface Crushers
– The Ankle Lock Assassins
– The Reversal Rebels
– The Body Slam Bandits
– The Suplex Slayers
– The Tag Team Titans
– The Powerhouse Party
– The High Impact Heroes
– The Wrestling Warriors
– The Titan Tossers
– The Slam Dunk Squad
– The Smackdown Squad
– The Suplex City Squad
– The Piledriver Posse
– The Armbar Avengers
– The Dropkick Kings
– The Lethal Lockup Legends
– The Takedown Titans
– The Pinfall Pioneers
– The Submission Specialists
– The Mat Masters
– The Ring Rebels
– The Turnbuckle Terrors
– The Grappling Gladiators
– The Wrestle Warfare
– The Raging Rumble
– The Smackdown Superstars
– The Suplex Survivors
– The Tag Team Terminators
– The Chokehold Champions
– The Lucha Legends
– The Body Slam Brawlers
– The Ring Revolutionaries
– The Wrestling Warriors
– The Powerhouse Pandemonium
– The Battle Royale Brigade